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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Bienvenue à notre dégustation de Noël 2017. 
Welcome to our 2017 Christmas honey tasting.

Merci à tous ceux qui nous ont offert un miel pour cette dégustation. Si vous voulez nous faire parvenir votre découverte, contacter moi au courriel en bas de cette publication.
Thank you to those who have offered us a honey for today's taste. If you have a honey that you would like to give us, please contact me at my email at the bottom of this post.

 1. Miel de Mer, Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Julie

Un premier miel nous parvenant d'îles de la mer, il était évident que le goût de sel allait s'y retrouver, malgré le goût fruité et sucré. Un miel de beurre cristallisé, avec une touche de thé frais citronné.

 2. Orange Blossom, USA, Thanks Jennifer
Very sweet orange flowers and also this honey had a very light flavor.

 3. Uncle Jim's Southern Honey, USA. Thanks Shauney

Well this one had lots to live up to, as the label indicated it was produced in God's country! Very much a flavor of black molasses

4. Miel de Châtaigne, France.  Merci Florence et Frédo

Définitivement le miel de Châtaigne ne laisse pas indifférent. Des goût forts de chocolat amer, de bois brûlé, de boisé, fumé et brûlé et de café! Ouf

5. Craig MaCaffrey's honey, Ottawa. Thank you Craig

Our friend Craig has been producing honey for a number of years now. We now get to enjoy it. Very fruity flavor, almost like an old fruit with it's alcoholized fermentation.

6. Milk Vetch, China. Thank you Ping

This honey had distinctive fruity flavor as well as a mineral taste. It was sweet and hinted towards molasses. Which is interesting for such a light honey. We also found it to taste like celery!

7. Astragalus Sinicus, China. Thank you again Ping.

This honey we had all sorts of flavor come out of it. Candy, whipped cream, vanilla, strawberry and even a creamy marshmellow flavor!

8. Linden tree, China. Ping, the great traveler!

This creamy honey was considered to be the best in today's taste test. Silky soft had a fresh flavor, like you tasted spring.

9. China's own bees, Ping we are greatful.

This honey was also very good with it's flower, like camomille sent. But it also had a very strong contrast of cherry, ''Fabreeze'', dried meat that left an interesting flavor in our mouths. It almost felt like we had chewed a delicate white wood!

10. Poivrier Brésilien, Québec. Merci Dominik

Comme on peut s'imaginer, le poivre a un goût bien fort. Ce miel avait ce goût prononcé, un café, du bois brulé, charbon, fumé à la mélasse, viande séché, acre.

11. Acacia du Brésil, Québec, Dominik, merci encore.

Bien que doux et la présence de fleur, il est plus fort que d'autres miels d'acacia qui sont habituellement plus léger. Alors pour certain il était trop acre et artificielle.

Merci à tous ceux qui nous ont donné du miel pour nos dégustations.
Thanks to all of you who bring back honey from your travels, so that we can have such a wonderful flavory expérience.


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